The Test of DLCO Is A Valuable Predictor for Prognostic Determination of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Methods: Consecutive sampling was used to recruit 33 outward patients who suffered stable COPD and visited the Lung Clinic at Public Hospital dr. Moewardi Surakarta. Classification of COPD was determined using GOLD 2016. Airway and lung functions were examined using spirometry and single breath DLCO. Hb level was measured using cyamethemoglobin method. All collected data were analyzed using student t test and p value was set up P<0.05.
Results: DLCO value in group A and group C was 100.24±31.15% and 75.42±20.67%, higher than that of DLCO value in group D 46,5017,50% and it reached significantly difference (P<0,001 and P=0,010 respectively). Higher Hb level was observed in group A (15±0.72 g/dL), followed by group D (14.23±1.50 g/dL), group C (14.12±1.26 g/dL) and group B (13.37±2.54 g/dL). However, it was not statistical difference (P=0,118).
Conclusion: More severe COPD status has lower value of DLCO. Patients with stable COPD in group A have a better prognosis compared with group B, C and D. (J Respir Indo 2018; 38(2): 83-92)
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